What are the best practices for Email Campaigns and List Compliance?
Are you wondering about the legitimacy and/or compliance of adding contacts to your WebPrez email campaigns who gave you their email addresses at a seminar or other event? When it comes to using email addresses collected from RSVPs for seminars or other in-person events, it's important to ensure compliance with relevant privacy and data protection laws, such as the GDPR or CAN-SPAM Act, depending on your location and the location of your customers. If the individuals have provided their emFew readersHow do I properly upload a list of contacts to the Campaigns?
When uploading your list of contacts to one of your automated email campaigns, you need to ensure that you have the CSV file properly formatted with the columns in this order: Email, Firstname, Lastname, Phone. The only one that you can leave empty is Phone. Here's a link to a Google Sheet sample of how it should look: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15KG9FbBkEWajhrpj8gxjgzLFrNKX8ZT3BdLHGlp3a7s/edit?usp=sharing Sample Google Sheet (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/websFew readersHow do I know if my Campaign video emails are being delivered?
Ensuring that your campaign emails reach your recipients' inboxes is key to your success. With WebPrez, you can feel confident about your email deliverability because we use SendGrid, a leading email delivery platform trusted by large companies worldwide. The same platform that Spotify and Airbnb use. SendGrid is known for its reliability and robust infrastructure, which means your emails are more likely to reach the inbox and avoid spam folders. SendGrid supports industry-standard email authenFew readers