Will I be charged when my Free Trial ends?
We no longer offer a Free Trial, but we do offer a money back guarantee in the first 60 days.
We are so confident in the effectiveness of our videos to engage, inform and compel your prospects into buying decisions, we will gladly refund your monthly subscription after 60 days if you are not doubling your current conversion rate. The industry lead conversion average is 2 out of 10, or 20%. Yours might be higher or lower, but since advisors who use video messages can 4X the number of meetings booked, we're confident you will 2x your sales.
We are so confident in the effectiveness of our videos to engage, inform and compel your prospects into buying decisions, we will gladly refund your monthly subscription after 60 days if you are not doubling your current conversion rate. The industry lead conversion average is 2 out of 10, or 20%. Yours might be higher or lower, but since advisors who use video messages can 4X the number of meetings booked, we're confident you will 2x your sales.
Updated on: 07/30/2024
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